What Are The Benefits of Becoming a Section?
NAR Sections are covered by a five million dollar liability insurance policy to safeguard its assets and equipment. In addition, Sections can apply for insurance that covers the owners of launch fields, meeting halls, and other activity locations. Unlike the NAR liability insurance offered to individual members which insures only themselves, this optional insurance is available only to Sections and insures the property owner directly.
The NAR provides Section officers with guidance on how to organize and run a section as well as assist with filing for FAA waivers and other regulatory hurdles.
The NAR currently offers grants of up to $250 each year to its Public Sections to help with safety equipment, launch gear, and publicity. You may apply for the Section Grant here.
Public Sections can also compete for the coveted Rockwell Trophy awarded annually for the most outstanding Section newsletter. Public Sections with their own websites are also automatically eligible for the annual Website Excellence Award.