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HomeEventsFox Valley Rocketeers HPR, Sport, NRC and TARC Launch

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Fox Valley Rocketeers HPR, Sport, NRC and TARC Launch

Date and Time

Sunday, March 30, 2025, 12:00 PM until 5:00 PM


Hughes Seed Farm, Woodstock, IL
1 North Dimmel Road
Woodstock, IL  60098

Event Contact(s)

2242422451 (c)


Sport Launch (of any type)

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

HPR, sport and NRC contest launch sponsored by the Fox Valley Rocketeers. Also, a launch for TARC teams wishing to make test or qualification flights.

While we permit flights in any NRC event, we do not supply items like eggs, payloads, or altimeters. Contestants should bring their own.

We run a “Misfire Alley” range, so please bring your own pad and launch system.
We do supply a single HPR pad with a 1010 launch rail and launch system for HPR flights.

High Power Waiver in effect to 6,000 AGL. The field supports up to Level 2 flights. All HPR flights require preflight inspection by the RSO. We do not have a motor vendor at our launches. Please contact us in advance if you need to do an NAR Level 1 or Level 2 Certification.

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The National Association of Rocketry can get you connected to the cutting edge of the hobby so you can learn how to fly higher, faster, and better. As an NAR member you will receive:

  • Access to launch sites through local NAR clubs
  • High Power Rocketry Certification access
  • An exclusive members only forum.
  • Sport Rocketry magazine
  • Insurance coverage for your flights
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National Association
of Rocketry

PO Box 1058

Marshall VA 20116-1058


Phone: 319-373-8910

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