Section Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Below are some frequently asked questions regarding NAR Sections. If you have a Section related question not found below, please send it to the Section Activities Chair.
1. What Section members should join the Sections Group (a subgroup of NAR Groups hosted on the platform)?
Membership in the Sections Group is required for all Section Contacts listed on the NAR website. It is also open to all Sections Leaders/Officers in addition to the Section Contact. If your Section has officers who are not subscribed to the group, please encourage them to join.
2. My Section would like to create its own subgroup under the NAR Groups account. Is that possible?
Yes! Simply send a request to the Section Activities Chair with your Section details to have a subgroup created under the main NAR Group.
3. My Section already has a group on the platform. Can it be moved under the umbrella on the NAR's Enterprise account in order to take advantage of some of the added features/options?
Yes! Your existing group can be moved to the NAR's account as a subgroup and enjoy the same benefits and features. If you would like to move your existing group, simply send a request to the Section Activities Chair with your Section details as well as your current group name.
4. What's the best way to reduce the amount of "unimportant" email traffic from the Sections group?
Reducing the amount of "unimportant" email traffic can be addressed in two basic ways...through the Poster and the Receiver.
Before posting a message to the group, the Poster should determine whether or not the message is intended for the entire group membership or is it primarily meant for only a few. If it is primarily intended for only a few, then maybe an individual message to the intended recipients would be better suited. Keep in mind that while some messages may seem to be intended for only a few members, there are other members that may have the same question or concern so find it beneficial that it was included with the entire group membership.
On the receiving end, if you want to reduce the amount of "unimportant" email traffic, you have several options:
First, you can change your Email Delivery option from "Individual Messages" to "Daily Summary". You would then receive a single daily email showing a summary of the days topics, not a summary of the messages. You could then choose which topics to read.
Second, when you receive an email with a topic you're not interested in, simply click on the "Unfollow" link at the bottom of the email. You will no longer receive any of the emails associated with that topic but would of course still be able to see them online.
Third, you can also change your Email Delivery option to "Special Notices Only". Most of the important Section related messages (if not all) that will get sent out are tagged as Special Notices so you would receive those. You would of course miss email messages not marked as Special Notice's so you would need to check the group online occasionally for those.
5. Where can I find my Sections Charter Certificate?
Please send a request to the Section Activities Chair to get your Sections certificate.
6. When does my Section Charter expire?
Section Charters run from January 1st to December 31st of each year. The renewal process will start around December 1st of each year and are handled online. Instructions will be sent via email to the Section Contact listed on the NAR's website. Always remember to keep that information up to date (see FAQ #12).
7. Where can I find out more information on Section Management?
The Section Guidebook on the NAR website contains a lot of valuable information on running a NAR Section.
8. Where can I find more information on the three types of NAR Sections?
In addition to emailing the Section Activities Chair, you can find more information about the types of NAR Sections in the "Starting a New Section" chapter of the Section Guidebook.
9. My Section wants to conduct a membership drive. Can we get a list of NAR members in our area to reach out to?
Yes, simply go to the Membership Directory under the Members tab to conduct a search of NAR members. It is recommended that you leave the "Search Test" field empty, leave the "Club" field set to "All Members", select the "Country" that you would like to search (e.g. "United States of America"), select the "State" that you would like to search, and then click on the "Search" button. You can also search by "City". If you have problems with the search, send an email to the Section Activities Chair.
10. My Section would like to know how many NAR members we have affiliated with our Section. Can we get a list?
Yes, simply go to the Membership Directory under the Members tab to conduct a search of NAR members. It is recommended that you leave the "Search Test" field empty and then click on the bar next to the "Club" field. Find your State in the dropdown list and then click on the "+" next to your State to see a list of Sections. Scroll down the list and then select your Section. You can leave the "Country" field set to "<All>" and the "State" and "City" field empty. Click the "Search" button and it will respond with a list of NAR members who have affiliated their NAR accounts with your Section. Keep in mind that if a member has not added you Section to their account, they will not appear in the list so please encourage your members to add and keep their affiliation updated. If you have problems with the search, send an email to the Section Activities Chair.
11. How do I add/change my Section Member Affiliation to my NAR account?
To add or change your Section affiliation, follow the below steps:
- Go to the NAR Website and go to your Profile page (you have to be logged into your account).
- On your "Member Profile" page, scroll down until you see the "More Member Options" near the bottom left.
- Click on the "Clubs/Additional Members" link.
- On the "Clubs/Additional Members" page, click on the "Add Club" icon to the right of your name.
- Click on the "Select a Club" field, find your State in the dropdown list, and then click on the "+" next to your State to see a list of Sections. Scroll down the list and then select your Section.
- Once your Section is selected, click on the "Save" button to complete the process.
If you have problems adding your Section, send an email to the Section Activities Chair.
12. Can non-NAR members join my Section?
Yes, non-NAR members can join your Section but they are not official members in regards to the minimum NAR membership requirements. Also, keep in mind that their rocketry activities will not be covered by your Sections insurance. Non-NAR members should always be encouraged to join the NAR.
13. How do I submit changes to my Section listing on the NAR website?
Changes to your Section information can be submitted using the Online Form or submitted via email directly to the Section Activities Chair.
14. My Sections listing on the NAR website only shows the publicly visible information about our Section. How can I get a copy of the information that is hidden from the public’s view in order to be able to change/update it?
Simply send an email to the Section Activities Chair and request a complete list of your Sections information. Please be sure to include your name, your Sections name and number, and your role within the Section.
15. Is my Section eligible for a Section Grant and if so, how do I apply?
If your Section is public and open to any NAR member (i.e. not organizational or private), your Section should be eligible to apply for the grant. Apply for the grant using the Section Grant Application. Questions about what items qualify for the grant as well as ideas for what to spend the grant on can be sent via email to the Section Activities Chair.
16. What is a Section Free NAR Membership Program?
The NAR provides each Section with one Free New NAR Membership annually to award to a deserving rocketeer of any age. To take advantage of the Section benefit, please send a request to the Section Activities Chair to receive your Sections assigned Coupon Code. Please be sure to include your name, your Sections name and number, and your role within the Section.
17. How do I obtain an Insurance Certificate for our Launch Site Landowner?
Requests for landowner insurance coverage must be submitted using the Section Site Location Form. The insurance certificates will be emailed to the Section Contact within a few days. Keep in mind that it is the landowner that is covered by the insurance certificate, not the site itself. If you conduct your rocketry activities on more than one property owned by the same landowner, only one insurance certificate is needed.
18. I can't find our Sections insurance certificate. How do I get a copy?
For a copy of your Sections insurance certificate, send a request to the Section Activities Chair. Be sure to include the specific site information and allow a few days for the request to be processed.
19. When does my Launch Site Insurance Certificate(s) expire?
Unless noted otherwise on the certificate, all insurance certificates (Section & Landowner) run from April to April of each year (not January to December).
20. Do I need to resubmit my launch site each year for insurance purposes?
No, renewal of the insurance certificates is automatic and new certificates will be sent via email to the Section Contact before the older ones expire. If a site is no longer being used, please notify the Section Activities Chair so it can be removed from the insurance database.
21. Why should my Section submit its events for addition to the NAR's Launch Calendar?
While your own Section members may be aware of your events, those on the outside your Section may not. People interested in rocketry visit the NAR's website looking for clubs as well as launches to become involved with. Finding an event close to them that they can attend may mean a new member for your Section as well as the NAR, therefore promoting the hobby. Also, during the American Rocketry Challenge season as well as other rocketry competitions, teams are on the lookout for local events where they can conduct practice as well as qualification flights. What better place to do that than at a Section launch where lots of experienced NAR members are present?
22. How do I add my event to the NAR's Launch Calendar?
Events (launches, meetings, demo's, etc.) can be submitted using the Register an Event/Launch. Please read the instructions on the page before clicking on the "Register a Rocket Event or Launch" button.
23. Where can I find out more about the NAR's LAC Newsletter Award and the North American Rockwell Trophy?
You can find out more about the award HERE.
24. Where can I find out more about the NAR's Website Excellence Award?
You can find out more about the award HERE.
25. Where can I find out more about High-Power Rocketry? Where can I find out more about the regulations involved?
If you need information regarding the applicable FAA Regulations, you can find the latest information HERE. If you need help applying for a Certificate of Waiver or Authorization (COA), you can find more information HERE. If you need help assessing a potential launch site for HPR activities or want a review of your COA submission packet, send an email to the Section Activities Chair.
26. My Section wants to administer the NAR Level 2 and/or Junior Level 1 HPR Written Exams to qualified candidates. How do I get copies?
Per NAR policy, only the following members may administer the NAR Level 2 and Junior Level 1 written exams:
- Section Officers/Leaders who are at least NAR Level 2 Certified, or
- Section members who are at least NAR Level 2 Certified and have been *designated* by their Section President as an exam administrator, or
- Level 3 Certification Committee (L3CC) Members.
*Section Presidents can designate qualified members of their Section as exam administrators by sending the members name, NAR number, and their HPR Certification Level to either the Section Activities Chair or the HPR Services Chairman. Please include your Name, your NAR Number, and your Section Name/Number in the email.
Those members meeting one of the above requirements may request soft copies of the files (electronic) via an email sent to the Section Activities Chair. Please include your Name, your NAR Number, your HPR Certification level, and your Section Name/Number in the email. Keep in mind that the files are not to be shared. Anyone else requiring the files should request their own in the same manner.
27. My Section is considering holding some contest launches. Where can I find out more information on conducting a contest launch as well as the contest events themselves?
Information on the various contest events as well as running a contest launch can be found on the NAR Website. Inquiries can also be sent to the National Contest Board Chairman.
28. What are some of my Sections responsibilities to the NAR?
In addition to helping the NAR with it's general purpose to "aid and encourage by all suitable means all people interested in model rocketry and its related sciences" (see Article II of the NAR Bylaws) as well as agreeing to abide by the NAR's Policies and Safety Codes, NAR Sections should provide help & support with the following NAR Programs/Affiliations as much as possible:
Questions / Comments?
If you have any questions or comments about any of the above FAQ's, please contact the Section Activities Chair.
Last update: 2/6/2025