The NAR annual meet brings together all NAR members for a 4 or 5 day competition. The next national championship meet, NARAM-66, will be held at AMA Site 4, Muncie, IN. NARAM will be held June 22-28, 2025. Events will be the 6 NRC events above plus:
- 1/4A Flex-Wing Duration
- FAI 1/2A Parachute Duration
- Classic Model
These events have been selected by the NAR Contest Board and the NARAM Contest Director per Sporting Code rule 13.1.3. The 2024-2025 Contest Year starts on August 10, 2024, and ends on the last day of NARAM. NRC flying ends June 11, 2025.
If you prefer the comraderie of flying with a larger group, NAR Sections across the country host NAR launches that provide members the opportunity to participate in competition rocketry, either by flying their own NRC flights or by participating in a locally-organized competition in any of the other events in the Model Rocket Sporting Code. No “points” are accumulated in these competitions that count for any national award, but there is a real personal challenge involved in being the best that you can be at one of the many diverse types of events found in the Code.
Launches lists most of the organized launches currently scheduled where competition events can be flown. Not all launches are always listed, so it is best to contact an NAR Section near you to find out about launches in your area where you might be able to fly NRC competition.
Want to challenge your skills by trying NAR model rocketry competition? The “Competition Guide” section of the NAR website has extensive information on how to design and fly rockets for all of the events found in the US Model Rocket Sporting Code and the “FAI Competition” section has information on the different rules and model types used in international competition.