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HomeLevel 1 HPR Certification Procedures
Photo by Todd Schweim.
HPR Level 1 Procedures

HPR Certification paperwork should not be mailed or emailed to NAR Headquarters. Please do not contact NAR Headquarters regarding HPR Certification questions and issues. All HPR Certification process questions should be directed to


1. High Power Certification is required if a person wishes to:
  1. Launch rockets containing multiple motors with a total installed impulse of 320.01 Newton-seconds or more, or
  2. Launch rockets containing a single motor with a total installed impulse of 160.01 Newton-seconds or more, or
  3. Launch rockets that weigh more than 53 ounces (1500 grams), or
  4. Launch rockets powered by motors not classified as model rocket motors per NFPA 1122, e.g.:
    1. Average thrust in excess of 80.0 Newtons
    2. Contains in excess of 125 grams of propellant
    3. Hybrid rocket motors

2. Minimum Requirements
  1. The Level 1 High Power Certification Candidate must be a minimum of 18 years old at the time of certification. A copy of a government-issued identification can be used for proof of age.
  2. The Level 1 High Power Certification Candidate must be a member in good standing of the National Association of Rocketry (NAR). Evidence of NAR membership will be requested prior to the certification attempt. Acceptable evidence of membership includes but is not limited to the NAR membership card, a canceled check or email receipt indicating payment of membership fees, or participation in a NAR event where membership status is verified and indicated on the event materials.
  3. Motors used for certification attempts must be currently certified by the NAR, or by another organization (e.g., Tripoli) with a recognized certification program. Manufacturer’s designations, not certification test data, will be used to identify suitability for the certification level being attempted (e.g., an H128 is an H, a G75 is a G).
  4. NOTE: These procedures do not supersede any requirements imposed by the authorities having jurisdiction. Other requirements may be imposed by state, or non-USA authorities.

3. Certification Teams
  1. The Certification Team consists of two individuals who are a minimum of 18 years old and are members in good standing of the NAR. The Certification Team members must be unrelated to the applicant. Members of Tripoli, unless they are also members of the NAR, cannot participate on a Certification Team.
  2. At least one of the Certification Team members must be already certified to a level equal to the certification level being attempted, e.g., a Certification Team member must be certified at Level 1 to judge another individual’s Level 1 certification attempt.
  3. Level 1 certifications may be administered by a single NAR Level 2 certified individual; the two certified individuals’ requirement in Section 3.1 is waived in this case.
  4. Certification attempts must be witnessed in person by the Certification Team. Video recordings of a certification flight are not acceptable.

4. Certification Process and Documentation
  1. Certification may be accomplished at any launch where sufficient individuals meeting the requirements of Section 3 are available.
  2. FAA regulations requiring notification or waivers must be complied with and the launch site must have a FAA waiver for high power models (greater than 3.3 pounds launch weight and/or 4.4 ounces of propellant) in effect at the time of launch. All conditions and restrictions imposed by the FAA must be satisfied and followed.
  3. The Level 1 High Power Certification Candidate must build the rocket that they wish to use for their certification attempt. The model may be either scratch built or a kit and the rocket must be constructed in such a manner that it will perform safely under the additional stress of an HPR motor. Teams attempting to certify cannot use the same rocket, but rather are required to each build their own model. In addition, the member must use an active recovery system for their certification attempt, which usually includes parachute recovery; details of these recovery methods are described in the Definition of Active Recovery
  4. The Level 1 High Power Certification Candidate must demonstrate their ability to build and fly a rocket containing at least one H or I impulse class motor. Cluster or staged models used for certification may not contain over 640.00 Newton seconds total impulse. In the case of a cluster or staged model, at least one of the individual motors must be an H or I impulse motor. Combinations of smaller impulse motors that add up to meet the impulse requirements do not qualify as the model does not contain at least one H or I impulse motor. Single use, reloadable, or hybrid technology motors are permitted. The Level 1 High Power Certification Candidate must assemble the reloadable motor, if used, in the presence of a Certification Team member.
  5. The Level 1 High Power Certification Candidate must complete the Applicant Information portion of a NAR Level 1 HPR Certification Application prior to the certification flight attempt.
  6. The model will be subjected to a safety inspection prior to flight. A High Power Certification Checklist is located on the back of the NAR Level 1 High Power Certification Application. The Certification Team will ask the Level 1 High Power Certification Candidate the checklist questions and mark the boxes as appropriate. Also during the safety inspection, the Level 1 High Power Certification Candidate will be expected to provide oral answers to technical questions related to the safety and construction of their model. The questions may include (but not limited to) identification of the model’s center of gravity and center of pressure, methods used to determine model stability, and interpretation of the rocket motor’s designation. Once satisfied, the Certification Team will fill out/check the appropriate blocks under the HPR Level 1 Checklist prior to flight.
  7. The Level 1 High Power Certification Candidate will fly their model. The flight must be witnessed directly by the Certification Team. Stability, deployment of the recovery system, and safe recovery will be considered when evaluating safety of the flight. Models experiencing a catastrophic failure of the airframe, rocket motor, and/or recovery system (e.g., shock cord separation) will not be considered as having a safe flight.
  8. The model must be returned to the Certification Team directly after flight for inspection to verify engine retention and for evidence of any flight-induced damage. The Certification Team will check the appropriate blocks in the HPR Level 1 Checklist indicating that a safe flight was made and that the post-flight inspection was satisfactory. In general, the guideline for acceptable flight damage is that the model could be flown again without repair. It is left to the judgment of the Certification Team to differentiate between flight damage and “normal” maintenance to assure reliability (e.g., shock cord replacement to prevent future flight problems). “Zippering” of the body tube is another area of flight damage left to Certification Teams judgment for acceptability.
  9. The Certification Team will fill out and sign the Certification Affidavit to indicate that the certification attempt was successfully completed. One of the Certification Team members will also fill out the NAR HPR Level 1 Temporary Certification card at the bottom of the NAR Level 1 High Power Certification Application. Both the certification sheet and the certification card must be signed. Except as noted below, the completed NAR Level 1 High Power Certification Application will be returned to the Level 1 High Power Certification Candidate after the flight.
    1. NOTE: It is up to the Level 1 High Power Certification Candidate and the Certification Team to ensure that the NAR Level 1 High Power Certification Application is correct and complete. Incorrect/incomplete applications will delay completing the certification process by the NAR on the Level 1 High Power Certification Candidates NAR account.
  10. The Level 1 High Power Certification Candidate must now fill out the Digital Level 1 HPR Certification Form. The digital form is basically an electronic copy of the NAR Level 1 High Power Certification Application as is meant to ensure the information submitted is both complete and legible. The Level 1 High Power Certification Candidate will include scans/photos of both sides of the completed NAR Level 1 High Power Certification Application as directed on the digital form.
    1. NOTE: If the Level 1 High Power Certification Candidate does not have a computer and/or access to the internet, it is up to them to get a Certification Team member to complete the digital form on their behalf.
  11. Upon submission of the digital form, the NAR will receive the information required for processing the certification as well as the backup scans/photos.
  12. The NAR will email the Certification Team member(s) to confirm the successful certification attempt by the Level 1 High Power Certification Candidate. Upon confirmation, the NAR will complete the certification processing and update the members NAR account with their Level 1 High Power status.
  13. The release of a new NAR membership card will be initiated showing the members new Level 1 High Power Certification.
    1. NOTE: Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery before contacting the NAR about missing cards.
  14. The NAR HPR Level 1 Temporary Certification card is valid for 60 days after the certification date or until the end of the NAR member’s membership, whichever comes first. The temporary card is recognized as proof of the certification level. The temporary card should be destroyed upon receipt of a new NAR membership card which shows the Level 1 HPR Certification status.

5. Administrative items

  1. Falsification of data or statements by the Level 1 High Power Certification Candidate will result in revocation of the high power certification. Falsification of data or statements by the Certification Team, e.g., failure to secure a FAA waiver, can result in revocation of the team members’ NAR memberships.
  2. NAR members who are currently Tripoli Level 1 certified may grandfather in at NAR Level 1 by completing the identification portion of a NAR Level 1 High Power Certification Application and attaching proof of current Tripoli certification (e.g., photocopy of Tripoli consumer confirmation card) to NAR headquarters with a request that their certification level be updated.
  3. Tripoli certifications will be honored at NAR launches. A current Tripoli Membership Card is required as evidence of Tripoli high power certification at launches.
    1. NOTE: Only certified motors may be flown by Tripoli members at NAR launches (i.e., no research motors may be flown).
  4. Tripoli certifications will be honored at NAR launches. A current Tripoli Membership Card is required as evidence of Tripoli high power certification at launches.
  5. NAR HPR certifications, once earned, are valid whenever NAR membership is current, and are reinstated upon request after membership lapses

HPR Certification paperwork should not be mailed or emailed to NAR Headquarters. Please do not contact NAR Headquarters regarding HPR Certification questions and issues. All HPR Certification process questions should be directed to

Revision of January 1, 2022

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