Rules Revision Process
The 2024-25 RCP Proposals Are Available Here
The Rules Revision Process is the method by which changes may be made to the U.S. Model Rocket Sporting Code (Sporting Code). The rules which govern the RCP process is found in Appendix D of the Sporting Code.
A general overview of the RCP process:
- An NAR member submits an RCP Form to the Rules Revision Chairman (RRC). There is no fee required. An electronic version of the RCP Form is available here.
- The RRC reviews the RCP to ensure it does not violate the Safety Code. The author may be contacted if changes to the RCP are required. The RRC will send the author an acknowledgment of receipt in a timely manner.
- Accepted Regular type RCP’s will be published in accordance with the RCP Cycle and a 60 day member comment period.
- RCPs which receive a 51% majority vote are approved and are included in the next Sporting Code revision.
2024-2025 RCP Cycle
The RCP process operates on a one-year cycle which begins the day after NARAM ends. The following timeline is adapted taken Appendix D, it describes the RCP Cycle and the pertinent action dates:
August 1—Deadline for RCPs to be received by RCP Chair.
August 1 - October 1—Period for RCP Chair to email acknowledgement of proposals received and accepted and proposals received and returned to authors with suggested corrections. Proposals returned for correction must be resubmitted by November 1 in order to be included in the current Cycle.
October 1 - October 31—The period the RCP Chair has to prepare the Regular RCP’s for NAR website publication in the member forum. All member commenting on the proposed RCP's takes place in the Member Forum.
November 1 - January 15—Member comment period. The comment period closes at midnight, February 14. All member commenting on the proposed RCP's takes place in the Member Forum.
January 15 - Febraury 15—The period RCP authors have to amend their proposals based on member comments or leave as originally submitted. Amended proposals must be resubmitted by midnight, March 31.
February 15 - March 1—The period that the RCP Chair has to construct the ballot.
March 1—RCP ballots are published on the website to allow voting by the membership.
March 1 - April 30—The period for Member voting. Deadline to submit your ballot to the RCP Forum is midnight, June 15.
May 1 - May 15—The period that the RCP Chair has to tabulate and prepare the results for publication.
June 1—Voting results published on the RCP Forum and in the NAR Homepage News Section.
First day after NARAM ends—Approved RCP’s go into effect for the new NRC/contest year.
Be sure to read the entire Appendix D (link above) before submitting a RCP!
The deadline for each cycle is September 1. Proposals must be received by that date to be included in the cycle and, if approved, go into effect July 1 the following year.