RCP 2023-2024-101
From: Kevin Johnson, NAR# 40676
Type of Proposal: Regular
Brief Summary of the Proposed Change:
Add language to the following sections to discuss the addition of 3D printed parts in craftsmanship events:
9.9 Construction, 51 Sport Scale, 52 Scale, 54 Concept Scale, 55 Classic Model, 56 Plastic Model Conversion.
State Logic and Intent of Change:
As 3D printing technology becomes more available, and access to 3D printed parts not created by the modeler is growing, there needs to be a change to the rules to describe how 3D printing is handled in scale events. Detail parts, components, and even complete rockets can be created with the technology, but the rules do not provide guidance to modelers or judges on how to adopt this new construction technique. A new category or separate event for 3D-printed models is not needed if the rules are clear.
Effect, if any, on current competition and NAR records:
None, since records are not kept for craftsmanship events.
Exact wording for the rule revision as it should appear (include section#):
Section # 9.9 Construction Add the following: “3D printed models are allowed as long as the finished model is constructed to follow the NAR Safety Code.”
Section # 51.5 Plastic Models Replace with 51.5 Plastic Models and 3D Printing
Entries that qualify for Plastic Model Conversion per Rule 56 - Plastic Model Conversion, are specifically excluded from this event. Parts from commercial plastic kits, and or 3D printed parts may be used on sport scale entries provided this is pointed out in the data presented with the entry for judging.
Section # 52.4 Plastic Models Replace with 52.4 Plastic Models and 3D Printing
Entries that qualify for Plastic Model Conversion per Rule 56 - Plastic Model Conversion, are specifically excluded from this event. Parts from commercial plastic kits, and or 3D printed parts may be used on scale entries provided this is pointed out in the data presented with the entry for judging.
Section # 54.3 Plastic Models Replace with 54.3 Plastic Models and 3D Printing
Entries that qualify for Plastic Model Conversion per Rule 56 - Plastic Model Conversion, are specifically excluded from this event. Parts from commercial plastic kits, and or 3D printed parts may be used on concept scale entries provided this is pointed out in the data presented with the entry for judging.
Section # 55 Classic Model Add section 55.10 3D Printing change to 55.3 then renumber rule 55 down
3D printed parts may be used on classic model entries provided this is pointed out in the data presented with the entry for judging.
Section # 56.2 Construction Replace with 56.2 Construction
Modifications necessary to convert the model for flight are allowed. However, the basic structure and configuration of the entry must be as designed by the manufacturer of the kit. Details may be obtained from other plastic kits, and or 3D printed, or constructed by the competitor. Components necessary to convert the model for flight may be made of any safe material and obtained from any source. 3D printed parts may be used on plastic conversion model entries provided this is pointed out in the data presented with the entry for judging.
Read full comments on original proposal within the Member Forum. Look for the thread "RCPs."