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HomeRCP Cycle—2023-24

RCP Voting Is Closed.

The RCP process for changing rules in the NAR Sporting Code is defined in the sporting code under section “D” of the appendix. A dedicated online RCP Forum for proposals to be reviewed, commented on, and finally voted on will be available for all NAR members to utilize. The current cycle is now open for member voting until June 16th 2024. The proposals, online comment area, and voting are listed below.

Jim Filler
RRC NAR Contest Board

Finalized RCP ballots will appear will appear here when voting opens.

RCP 2023-2024-101

From: Kevin Johnson, NAR# 40676

Type of Proposal: Regular

Brief Summary of the Proposed Change:

Add language to the following sections to discuss the addition of 3D printed parts in craftsmanship events:

9.9 Construction, 51 Sport Scale, 52 Scale, 54 Concept Scale, 55 Classic Model, 56 Plastic Model Conversion.

State Logic and Intent of Change:

As 3D printing technology becomes more available, and access to 3D printed parts not created by the modeler is growing, there needs to be a change to the rules to describe how 3D printing is handled in scale events. Detail parts, components, and even complete rockets can be created with the technology, but the rules do not provide guidance to modelers or judges on how to adopt this new construction technique. A new category or separate event for 3D-printed models is not needed if the rules are clear.

Effect, if any, on current competition and NAR records:

None, since records are not kept for craftsmanship events.

Exact wording for the rule revision as it should appear (include section#):

Section # 9.9 Construction Add the following: “3D printed models are allowed as long as the finished model is constructed to follow the NAR Safety Code.”

Section # 51.5 Plastic Models Replace with 51.5 Plastic Models and 3D Printing

Entries that qualify for Plastic Model Conversion per Rule 56 - Plastic Model Conversion, are specifically excluded from this event. Parts from commercial plastic kits, and or 3D printed parts may be used on sport scale entries provided this is pointed out in the data presented with the entry for judging.

Section # 52.4 Plastic Models Replace with 52.4 Plastic Models and 3D Printing

Entries that qualify for Plastic Model Conversion per Rule 56 - Plastic Model Conversion, are specifically excluded from this event. Parts from commercial plastic kits, and or 3D printed parts may be used on scale entries provided this is pointed out in the data presented with the entry for judging.

Section # 54.3 Plastic Models Replace with 54.3 Plastic Models and 3D Printing

Entries that qualify for Plastic Model Conversion per Rule 56 - Plastic Model Conversion, are specifically excluded from this event. Parts from commercial plastic kits, and or 3D printed parts may be used on concept scale entries provided this is pointed out in the data presented with the entry for judging.

Section # 55 Classic Model Add section 55.10 3D Printing change to 55.3 then renumber rule 55 down

3D printed parts may be used on classic model entries provided this is pointed out in the data presented with the entry for judging.

Section # 56.2 Construction Replace with 56.2 Construction

Modifications necessary to convert the model for flight are allowed. However, the basic structure and configuration of the entry must be as designed by the manufacturer of the kit. Details may be obtained from other plastic kits, and or 3D printed, or constructed by the competitor. Components necessary to convert the model for flight may be made of any safe material and obtained from any source. 3D printed parts may be used on plastic conversion model entries provided this is pointed out in the data presented with the entry for judging.

Read full comments on original proposal within the Member Forum. Look for the thread "RCPs."

Finalized RCP ballots will appear will appear here when voting opens.

RCP 2023-2024-102

From: Kevin Johnson, NAR# 40676

Type of Proposal: Regular

Brief Summary of the Proposed Change:

Change the release/publication date for a Classic Model entry to be valid from a fixed date to a formula: (current year) – 20 to allow for more prototypes to be used currently, and to allow the pool of available prototypes to grow over time.

State Logic and Intent of Change:

Originally the Classic Model event was limited to prototypes of models released before 1990 as that date represented the golden era for many modelers.  With the march of time, there have been many kits and plans released that today would be called classics, but since they were released after 1990, they cannot be flown in the Classic Model contest.

Effect, if any, on current competition and NAR records:

None, no records are kept for craftsmanship events.

Exact wording for the rule revision as it should appear (include section#):

Change rule 55.1 Scope to read: 55.1 Scope

Classic Model comprises a single event that emphasizes craftsmanship while remembering the historic legacy of model rocketry. The purpose of this competition is to produce a flying replica of a classic model rocket kit or published model rocket plan. The model must have been available for sale in kit form or published as a plan in a magazine or NAR Section newsletter at least 20 years prior to the current year and the builder must provide documentation to support this. Models that are still in production can be entered in this event, including models that are reproductions of classic kits however, entries must be built and finished to represent a version of the model available for sale as a kit at least 20 years prior to the current year. The entry may be an up or down sized version of the original model.

Read full comments on original proposal within the Member Forum. Look for the thread "RCPs."

Finalized RCP ballots will appear will appear here when voting opens.

RCP 2023-2024-104

From: Chad Ring NAR# 50652

Type of Proposal: Regular

Brief Summary of the Proposed Change:

The rule section (54) for Concept Sport Scale is missing the one-meter judging requirement.  Since Concept Sport Scale is a ‘Sport Scale’ based event, and not ‘Scale’, entries need to be judged from the same one-meter requirement that Sport Scale and Classic Mode entries are.  This RCP adds that omission to Rule 54, Concept Sport Scale.  Add as rule 54.5 and renumber subsequent sections appropriately.

State Logic and Intent of Change:

This change will correct the erroneously missing section on the one-meter judging requirement.

Effect, if any, on current competition and NAR records:

None, as there are no records for this event.

Exact wording for the rule revision as it should appear (include section#):

54.5 Judging

Entries must be judged for static points in the following manner: Scale-like qualities are to be judged from a distance of at least one meter from the model. Judges may then closely examine the model to judge it for craftsmanship. Renumber current 54.5 through 54.9 to 54.6 through 54.10 accordingly.

Read full comments on original proposal within the Member Forum. Look for the thread "RCPs."

Finalized RCP ballots will appear will appear here when voting opens.

RCP 2023-2024-106

From: Stephen Maire NAR# 20116

Type of Proposal: Regular

Brief Summary of the Proposed Change:

Change the events flown in the NRC to require one craftsmanship event to be flown each year.

State Logic and Intent of Change:

While the NRC is run on an annual basis, the skills required for successful competition are actually acquired of the course of several years. Nowhere is this less true than in the case of the craftsmanship events. With the building of each new scale model, established skills are challenged and new skills added. To foster and encourage the continued acquiring of new modeling skills, a craftsmanship event should be a part of each NRC.

Effect, if any, on current competition and NAR records:


Exact wording for the rule revision as it should appear (include section#):

13.1.1 Number of Events

The NRC shall be made up of six (6) events selected from Rule 131.4 – NRC Events List. Five (5) of the events shall be selected from Group A and one (1) shall be selected from Group B. These six events shall be part of the official events for NARAM.

13.1.4 NRC Events List

Group A

  • 1/4A-A Parachute Duration
  • 1/4A-B Streamer Duration
  • 1/4A-B Helicopter Duration
  • 1/4A-A Boost Glider Duration
  • 1/4A-B Rocket Glider Duration
  • B-C Egg Lofting Duration
  • 1/2A-B Altitude
  • A-B Payload Altitude
  • B-C Egg Lofting Altitude
  • C-D Dual Egg Lofting Altitude

Group B

  • Sport Scale
  • Scale
  • Sport Scale Altitude
  • Scale Altitude
  • Concept Sport Scale

Read full comments on original proposal within the Member Forum. Look for the thread "RCPs."

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